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Call JEM Comfort Care for Heating and A/C services Today!

Call us today for all your heating and cooling needs. Our experienced team is ready to assist you with professional service and quality solutions. Contact us now to schedule an appointment or to get more information.


Popular Questions

Have questions about our services or HVAC systems in general? Check out our frequently asked questions section below for answers to some common inquiries. If you don’t see your question answered, feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to assist you.

The frequency of filter replacement
Can vary depending on individual homes. Factors such as the presence of carpets and pets can contribute to higher dust accumulation. While this doesn't necessarily indicate a lack of cleanliness, it does mean that filters in such homes may require more frequent replacement. We suggest checking your filters on a monthly basis initially to assess the dust accumulation in your home. Depending on your findings, you may need to replace your filters monthly for some homes, while others may require replacement 3 to 5 times per year.
Regrettably, heating units
Consist of numerous electrical components. Apart from verifying that all electrical switches are in the ON position, we recommend reaching out to us or filling out the service setup form. This will allow one of our technicians to visit your location and provide you with an accurate diagnosis of the issue.
The performance
Of your home's air conditioning system greatly depends on its maintenance. Regularly changing filters is essential. Clogged filters can lead to an inefficient cooling system and improper refrigerant pressures. To ensure maximum efficiency, it is crucial to have clean filters, prevent internal clogs, maintain proper refrigerant pressures, and ensure all electrical components are functioning correctly.
We service
All types of heating and air conditioning equipment, including residential systems and commercial refrigeration equipment. Whether it's a furnace, air conditioner, heat pump, or any other HVAC equipment, our team is equipped to handle it.